Find Your New Favorite European Wines at Clink Different’s Spring/Summer Tastings

Dare to Clink Different with delicious, unexpected wines from Europe at your favorite national and regional beverage retailers.

People enjoying wine

From crisp whites and sparkling wines from Bordeaux, to rosé and fruity reds from Germany, your new favorite is waiting to be discovered. Read along to find a tasting near you – and some tips for once you get there!  

Total Wine | California, Florida and Texas | May–June, 2024

Looking to spice up your wine routine, or want to try German and Bordeaux wines but aren’t sure where to start? Check out one of the below tastings to sample these iconic regions for yourself: 

May: German Wines

June: Bordeaux Wines

Whole Foods | California, Florida and Texas | May–July, 2024

Next time you’re grocery shopping, consider picking up a bottle of German or Bordeaux wine to pair with the weekly dinner menu! If you’re a try-before-you-buy kind of customer, visit your local Whole Foods Market on the below dates to try an assortment of unexpected European wines: 

May: German Wines

Bordeaux Wines

  • California, Florida and Texas: Specific dates coming soon!

Independent Retailers | California, Florida and Texas

Shop local, taste international! Experience the wines of Bordeaux and Germany from the comfort of your favorite local wine boutique, from German reds to Bordeaux whites and beyond.


  • The Winesellar & Brasserie | San Diego, CA: May 22, 2024
  • Bar & Garden | Culver City, CA: May 10 & June 7, 2024
  • Vendome Wine & Spirits | Arcadia, CA: June 8, 2024


  • Amelia Island Wine Company | Fernandina Beach, FL: May 31, 2024, and June 21, 2024


  • Specific dates and locations coming soon! 

How to Sample Wine Like A Pro

  1. See: Observe the wine’s color—from it, you can deduce body, age and character. For example, as they age, white wines get deeper in color, while red wines get paler and more brick in color. 
  2. Swirl: Swirl the wine in your glass to aerate it and release its aromas.
  3. Sniff: Try to pin-point if your wine is fruity, floral, spicy, etc. Does it remind you of any specific smell? Try to name it. 
  4. Sip: The moment you’ve been waiting for: swish the wine around your tongue & teeth and note the taste. You can detect acidity, residual sugar, tannin and body from a single sip! 

Be sure to check our Events page for updates on events and opportunities to taste the wines of Germany and Bordeaux, and check back on this blog for more tastings in spring and summer as they’re confirmed! 

Follow Clink Different on social media for updates on tastings, news and to experience unexpected European wines. Find us on Instagram, and Facebook at @ClinkDifferent!